Dear Manitou Families,
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Manitou Park Elementary School. We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our students and staff, and strive to promote a supportive learning environment. We welcome your partnership in increasing your child’s academic achievement, maintaining good attendance and your participation in school events. You may visit our website at www.tacoma.k12.wa.us with the latest information and communications from our school. We want Manitou Park to be a place your child wants to come to every day!
One of most important factors that contribute to a student’s success is regular attendance and arriving to school on time. Missing numerous days of school disrupts the learning process, daily routines and the continuity of instruction. As partners in your child’s education let’s work together to make sure they come to school on a regular basis and arrive on time.
Family involvement is foundational to the educational program. Research leaves no doubt that there is a high correlation between student achievement and parent involvement. Without your involvement, our goals are simply unattainable. With your involvement all children will be performing at grade level. Please join us in our commitment to achieve all academic goals for each of our students.
During the coming year, we have four requests of you:
- Become actively involved in our school as much as your busy schedule permits. Ask the office about the many volunteer opportunities that are available.
- See that your child reads out loud at home for twenty (20) minutes every night! If your child cannot read, please read to him/her. Research indicates that this reading involvement will increase your child’s reading ability, interest in reading, and reading motivation.
- Speak positively about your child’s school. The child who believes his/her parents support the school is more likely to work hard to succeed in school.
- Bring problems or misunderstandings promptly to our attention. Discuss it with your child’s teacher or the front office.
- Thank you for sending us your child(ren). We will do our best to provide them an excellent education, positive self-concept, and instill an enjoyment for learning. We are looking forward to meeting and working with your child and you during this school year.
The Manitou Park Staff